Tag: AstroBWT

AstroBWT is a mining algorithm for the CPU (mining on the central processor) and in addition to the official miner, for this algorithm there is also the latest version of the XMRig 5.8.x miner, in which AstroBWT support was added a few days ago, and in the latest minor versions were fixed bugs and problems when working with the new algorithm, and in addition, production performance has been significantly improved. Therefore, if you are interested in mining this coin using your central processor, make sure that you download and install the latest current version of the miner in advance in order to avoid problems during the mining process and get maximum performance on the new AstroBWT algorithm after the hard fork of the DERO coin.

download XMRig v6.2.0-beta

XMRig v6.2.0-beta: RandomX, CryptoNight, AstroBWT and Argon2 CPU/GPU miner

GitHub: DOWNLOAD XMRig v6.2.0 XMRig – High-performance cross-platform miner RandomX, CryptoNight, AstroBWT and Argon2 CPU / GPU open source, with official support for Windows and Linux. Support: CPU (x64/x86/ARM) OpenCL for AMD GPUs. CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs via external CUDA plugin. v6.2.0-beta Added new algorithm cn/ccx for Conceal. Fixed, linker on Linux was marking entire […]

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XMRig 5.11.0: Скачать с поддержкой AstroBWT CUDA для Windows

XMRig 5.11.0: Download with AstroBWT CUDA Support for Windows

XMRig 5.11.0 comes with support for the AstroBWT CUDO algorithm on AMD GPUs, in addition to the already available mining support for the CPU, as well as some optimizations for the algorithm used by DERO, which is used in the DERO project. Another important change in the miner is that the cn / gpu algorithm […]

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