Category: Mining pools

The best way to create your own mining pool.

The complexity of digital networks also increases as the use of cryptocurrencies increases. Under some circumstances, the withdrawal of assets in 2022 will be unprofitable. Consequently, miners are pooled. These services distribute the work among the participants and compensate them according to their efforts. For this, pools charge a commission of up to 20% of revenue. Not everyone present agrees with this. Owners of large capacities are looking for opportunities to create their own mining pool. To achieve this, you will need to purchase hardware, develop software, and plan an advertising strategy. The dynamics in the workplace are very competitive. Although this is not necessary, having prior experience with blockchain can help you avoid any mistakes.

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You now have more opportunities to increase your mining profits by dual mining not only Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Zilliqa (ZIL) in the mining pool, thanks to the addition of EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) pools that allow mining together with ZIL. EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) are forks of Ethereum (ETH) that separated after the merger and continued to exist as Proof of Work blockchains. Thus, unlike Ethereum (ETH), which is now Proof of Stake (PoS), you can only mine them using GPUs or ASICs to mine Ethash.

Dual Mining ETC, ETHW, ETHF, ZIL for maximum profit

You now have more opportunities to increase your mining profits by dual mining not only Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Zilliqa (ZIL) in the mining pool, thanks to the addition of EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) pools that allow mining together with ZIL. EthereumPoW (ETHW) and EthereumFair (ETHF) are forks of Ethereum (ETH) that separated after the merger and continued to exist as Proof of Work blockchains. Thus, unlike Ethereum (ETH), which is now Proof of Stake (PoS), you can only mine them using GPUs or ASICs to mine Ethash.

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