Category: Desktop Wallets (PC)

Trust Wallet guide: how to download, install, restore and customize

Trust Wallet is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet accessible on a mobile device, capable of storing many different cryptoassets, with over 1 million active users. The service was acquired by the largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance to integrate into its system as a standard wallet.

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WalletKeyTool 1.4.2 – Tool for importing and exporting BTC wallets

Wallet-key-tool is an incredibly useful application with a graphical interface for those who deal with bitcoin wallets. It allows you to conveniently and securely edit the contents of various wallet file extensions, such as .dat/.key/.aes.json/.txt/.wallet. With this app, users can easily modify the data in their wallets without any hassle or risk of damage. It also provides additional features such as password protection and encryption to ensure maximum security of users’ funds and information.

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Electrum Dash v4.0.9 - скачать и настроить кошелек для Windows

Electrum Dash v4.0.9 – download and set up a wallet for Windows

At the core of Dash Electrum is  Electrum , a Bitcoin wallet. Many functions are similar, which means that there is no need to provide all the documentation for Electrum here. This section describes some commonly used advanced features. To learn more about the rest of the advanced Electrum features of Bitcoin and Dash, click on the link below.

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MultiBit Classic 0.5.9 - Download BTC Wallet for Windows

MultiBit Classic 0.5.9 – Download BTC wallet for Windows/Linux/MacOS

MultiBit Classic allows you to manage your bitcoin wallets. It has a simple interface that shows all your queries and transactions. It also allows you to password protect your wallets. The classic version is a legacy product and is in maintenance mode. The security model of MultiBit Classic is weaker than MultiBit HD; so this is only recommended if you have private keys that cannot be migrated.

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Как проверить кошелек на подлинность? Скачать Wallet.dat с Bitcoin

How to check wallet for authenticity? Download Wallet.dat with bitcoin balance

I think everyone has seen wallet.dat files with lost Bitcoin-QT cryptocurrency wallet passwords on sale. Often they even come with variants or password hints. With the necessary knowledge and enough computing power, one can try his or her luck at cracking wallet passwords and gaining access to bitcoins and altcoins. However, most of these files are fake. So how do you determine if a file is authentic? I will tell you about the ways to verify it.

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