Tag: PayPal


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How to withdraw cryptocurrency: ways to withdraw BTC, ETH, XMR, RVN and other altcoins in fiat

BTC, ETH, XMR, RVN, and other altcoins get to your cryptocurrency wallet obtained by mining or buying on the exchange. You can store them until better times, expecting that in the near future the exchange rate will rise even more, and you will be able to sell your crypto-assets at a good price. Now it […]

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PayPal confirms decision to refuse to participate in Libra project

PayPal confirms decision to refuse to participate in Libra project

PayPal representatives said that: “the company decided to refrain from participating in the Libra blockchain project. And focus on the democratization of financial services for the population.” They stated in PayPal. “Facebook is our long-standing and valuable strategic partner. Therefore, despite our current decision, we support their aspirations in the Libra blockchain project. In the […]

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