How to start mining the Ethereum
How to start mining the Ethereum
This article is not listed in any life is not a miner, not a single coin is simple, understandable and step by step begin to mine the most profitable at the moment coin Ethereum.
Once you decided to mine the crypto currency, then as I understood with the equipment, you have already figured out, whether you have one card or several, or even a farm, the instruction is applicable to everything. Let’s take everything in order in order to attract the airwaves you need to get your wallet, you can download the program and do it on your computer, but I recommend starting a purse on the exchange, more convenient and more practical. Personally, I have a purse on the EXMO stock exchange.
To start, let’s register on it for this we pass here.
This article is a detailed instruction as a beginner never in the life of any cannon nor any coin is simple, it is understandable and step by step to start the most profitable at the moment coin Ethereum.
Once you decided to mine the crypto currency, then as I understood with the equipment, you have already figured out, whether you have one card or several, or even a farm, the instruction is applicable to everything. Let’s take everything in order in order to attract the airwaves you need to get your wallet, you can download the program and do it on your computer, but I recommend starting a purse on the exchange so it’s more convenient and more practical. Personally, I have a purse on the EXMO stock exchange.
To start, let’s register on it for this we pass here.

Click on the registration button

Fill in the elementary form, login to think out what kind of password you want, specify the mail which you really use constantly, because there will always be letters coming in if you make any actions on the site, do not forget to put all the checkmarks everywhere and press the registration. After that, you will be sent an email with a confirmation link, go through it and now you can log in to the account, in fact, and enter. Now you need to get the purse address for this in the upper right corner click on the purse icon and in the drop-down menu go to the link “Go to wallets->”

After that you get to the list of all wallets available to you, here you need to choose the one you need and this is in our case a broadcast:

And click to refill:

That’s actually all in front of you the address of your wallet, which will be transferred to the coins. Let’s go further, it’s up to the small thing, it’s to set up the miner and start the process, by the way, if you use AMD video cards, I recommend downloading and installing special drivers Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute Release Notes.
We download the Miner’s program here.
Now let’s figure out what’s what, after downloading the archive, unpack it anywhere and we need to change the file start.bat, we can do it simply by right-clicking on it and selecting “Edit”

What are we changing in the first place -epool is the pool where you will air the ether, there is a nanopool registered here and to be honest I’m only using it at the moment, and I consider it to be the most normal pool, used dwarfpool before but its constant failures simply drove me, in general to solve to you I only recommend you can register your pool. Next, -ewal, we are just writing the purse that we received earlier on the exchange exactly there and will withdraw the money from the pool. And left to enter -eworker here write that your heart desires it is like the name of your employee, if it’s more convenient to understand, this moment is convenient for tracking speed statistics, especially if you have many different farms that work on the same pool, no more to you I do not need to adjust anything and recommend everything that is further in the file to delete if you do not want to run the mine secretly, I’ll say so it’s no use to you the load is greater, and the efficiency of the ether extraction is reduced so that we simply erase everything that is right after -worker yourname. Everything is ready to save and run the file start.bat and you should see something like this:
Here you first of all see the temperature of each card, the fan’s rotation speed on the map, Shares – the number of blocks taken Rejected is the number of discarded blocks, if you have them, it means that you have incorrectly broken the map or shoals somewhere else, in general it is desirable that there always was 0 and the last and most important is the speed of 28 Mh / s. I have an example examined one card RX580 overclocked in the stock settings, it gives 22 Mh / s.
It remains to us to track the statistics, it certainly does not immediately appear, let him poke at least half an hour. To see what you can do, go to the pool

Click owerview, on the opened page enter your purse address in the upper right corner and click on the Search button

All and before you the statistics of your mining:

Here everything is extremely simple when your balance reaches 0.2 aether the pool will list your coins to you on the exchange after which you can withdraw them. Also, in statistics, you can clearly see the current speed of its change, what kind of farm gives you the speed and if whatsoever the farm disconnects here it will be immediately visible. That’s all good for you mining and good incomes.
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