Download XMRig 2.14.6 – Monero AMD (OpenCL) miner

Download XMRig 2.14.6 - Monero AMD (OpenCL) miner

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Download XMRig 2.14.6 – Monero AMD (OpenCL) miner. XMRig is a high-performance OpenCL miner (Monero (XMR)) with Windows support. Part of the GPU for mining based on Wolf9466 and psychocrypt code.

This is the XMRig miner version for AMD (OpenCL), there is also an XMRig version for the CPU and an XMRig version for the NVIDIA GPU.

Full list of available versions XMRig:

Features of the XMRig miner:

  • High performance.
  • Official Windows Support.
  • Support for backup (failover) mining server.
  • CryptoNight-Lite support for AEON.
  • Automatic GPU setup.
  • Nicehash support.
  • This is open source software.



  • #1138 Fixed multiple network bugs.


  • Fixed compatibility with recent AMD drivers (19.7.2), thanks @psychocrypt.


  • #249 Added workaround for some drivers memory leak.
  • In HTTP API for unknown hashrate now used null instead of 0.0.
  • Fixed MSVC 2019 version detection.
  • Removed obsolete automatic variants.


  • #228 Fixed macOS support.
  • #235 Fixed autoconf for cn/r and other recently added algorithms.
  • #241 Fixed memory leak if used cn/r algorithm.


  • #227 Added new algorithm cryptonight/rwz, short alias cn/rwz (also known as CryptoNight ReverseWaltz), for upcoming Graft fork.
  • #931 Added new algorithm cryptonight/zls, short alias cn/zls for Zelerius Network fork.
  • #940 Added new algorithm cryptonight/double, short alias cn/double (also known as CryptoNight HeavyX), for X-CASH.
  • #951 Fixed crash if AVX was disabled on OS level.
  • #952 Fixed compile error on some Linux.
  • #957 Added support for embedded config.


The preferred way to configure the miner is the JSON configuration file, as it is more flexible and user-friendly. The command line interface does not cover all functions, such as mining profiles for various algorithms. Important parameters can be changed at runtime without rebooting the miner by editing the configuration file or making API calls.

Options XMRig Miner

  -a, --algo=ALGO               specify the algorithm to use
                                  cn/r, cn/2, cn/1, cn/0, cn/double, cn/half, cn/fast,
                                  cn/rwz, cn/zls, cn/xao, cn/rto, cn/gpu,
                                  cn-heavy/xhv, cn-heavy/tube, cn-heavy/0,
                                  rx/wow, rx/loki
  -o, --url=URL                 URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P            username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME           username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD           password for mining server
      --rig-id=ID               rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  -t, --threads=N               number of miner threads
  -v, --av=N                    algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  -k, --keepalive               send keepalived packet for prevent timeout (needs pool support)
      --nicehash                enable support
      --tls                     enable SSL/TLS support (needs pool support)
      --tls-fingerprint=F       pool TLS certificate fingerprint, if set enable strict certificate pinning
      --daemon                  use daemon RPC instead of pool for solo mining
      --daemon-poll-interval=N  daemon poll interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)
  -r, --retries=N               number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  -R, --retry-pause=N           time to pause between retries (default: 5)
      --cpu-affinity            set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
      --cpu-priority            set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
      --no-huge-pages           disable huge pages support
      --no-color                disable colored output
      --donate-level=N          donate level, default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
      --user-agent              set custom user-agent string for pool
  -B, --background              run the miner in the background
  -c, --config=FILE             load a JSON-format configuration file
  -l, --log-file=FILE           log all output to a file
      --asm=ASM                 ASM optimizations, possible values: auto, none, intel, ryzen, bulldozer.
      --print-time=N            print hashrate report every N seconds
      --api-worker-id=ID        custom worker-id for API
      --api-id=ID               custom instance ID for API
      --http-enabled            enable HTTP API
      --http-host=HOST          bind host for HTTP API (default:
      --http-port=N             bind port for HTTP API
      --http-access-token=T     access token for HTTP API
      --http-no-restricted      enable full remote access to HTTP API (only if access token set)
      --randomx-init=N          threads count to initialize RandomX dataset
      --randomx-no-numa         disable NUMA support for RandomX
      --export-topology         export hwloc topology to a XML file and exit
      --dry-run                 test configuration and exit
  -h, --help                    display this help and exit
  -V, --version                 output version information and exit

Other versions XMRig miner:

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