Xmrig 2.14.5 (AMD & Nvidia GPU Miner) Download and Configure

Configuring the xmrig batch file for mining Monero Xmrig 2.14.5 (AMD & Nvidia GPU Miner) Download and Configure

GitHub: Download Xmrig v2.14.5

Xmrig 2.14.5 (AMD & Nvidia GPU Miner) DOWNLOAD – In the new version of the cryptocurrency miner Xmrig 2.14.5, compatibility with the latest AMD drivers has been fixed. Xmrig – A program for mining coins based on CryptoNight algorithms. Suitable for both AMD graphics cards and Nvidia. There is also a version for the central processing unit (CPU), but this article discusses mining on video cards and a version for them. The program has a commission to the developer in the form of 1-5% (DEV Fee).

In this step-by-step instruction, we will tell you how to configure Xmrig, commission and .bat files (batch files) for different coins.

Full list of available versions:


XMRig – Nvidia\AMD GPU miner

  1. Xmrig 2.14.5 (AMD & Nvidia GPU Miner) Download and Configure
  2. DOWNLOAD Xmrig (AMD & Nvidia GPU Miner)
  3. Features of the Xmrig miner:
  4. Xmrig supports the following algorithms:
  5. Recommended drivers:
  6. Known bugs
  7. Supported XMRig Algorithms (Tables)
  8. Quick start Xmrig
  9. Configure xmrig for mining Monero
  10. Decoding the contents of the batch file
  11. Configuration Setting for AMD
  12. Configuring Nvidia
  13. Advanced Xmrig Setup
  14. Problem solving
  15. Hashrate check

Features of the Xmrig miner:

  • Open source
  • High performance
  • Official Windows Support
  • CryptoNight-Lite Support
  • Nicehash Support

Xmrig supports the following algorithms:

  • Cryptonight R
  • Cryptonight GPU
  • Cryptonight Heavy
  • Cryptonight HeavyX
  • Cryptonight Lite V7
  • CryptoNight Reverse Waltz
  • Cryptonight V8
  • CryptoNight Zelerius
  • CryptoNightTurtle

Recommended drivers:

Known bugs

  • Blockchain drivers are not recommended for use on cryptonight / 2.
  • All drivers newer than 18.6.1 do not work, all balls will be rejected.

Supported XMRig Algorithms

Длинное названиеКраткоеБазовый алгоритмВариантПримечание
cryptonightcncryptonight-1Auto select only works for Monero
cryptonight/0cn/0cryptonight0Old CryptoNight (already ASIC)
cryptonight/1cn/1cryptonight1Also known as monero7 and CryptoNightV7
cryptonight/2cn/2cryptonight2Also known as monero8 and CryptoNightV8
cryptonight/4cn/4cryptonight4Also known as CryptoNight R
cryptonight/xtlcn/xtlcryptonightxtlFor Stellite Coin (XTL)
cryptonight-litecn-litecryptonight-lite-1Auto select only works for Aeon.
cryptonight-lite/0cn-lite/0cryptonight-lite0Old CryptoNight-Lite.
cryptonight-lite/1cn-lite/1cryptonight-lite1Also known as aeon7
cryptonight-lite/ipbccn-lite/ipbccryptonight-liteipbcIPBC Option
cryptonight-heavycn-heavycryptonight-heavy0For coins of Loki, Haven, etc.

Quick start Xmrig

In order to get coins you need:

  1. Download program Xmrig
  2. Unzip to any convenient place
  3. Edit the .bat file with the desired coin (change the wallet to your own)

Configure xmrig for mining Monero

To mine coins using the CryptoNight R algorithm, we need to create or edit a finished batch file for the coin you need. These are the basic settings, which are enough for mining. Secondary settings will be considered later.

Decoding the contents of the batch file

Configuring xmrig batch file for Monero mining
  1. xmrig-amd this key will indicate which program will be launched. Leave as is. For Nvidia, specify xmrig-nvidia
  2. -a cryptonight specify the algorithm. For Monero, leave this one. For coins on the cryptonight-lite algorithm, specify it
  3. -o xmr-eu.dwarfpool.com specify the address of your pool. In this example, we have dwarfpool, because at the time of writing, he received the most positive reviews
  4. 8050  after the pool address through a colon, indicate the port of the pool. dwarfpool has 8050
  5. -u 4ALcw9nTAStZSshoWVUJakZ6tLwTDhixhQUQNJkCn4t3fG3MMK19WZM44HnQRvjqmz4LkkA8t565v7iBwQXx2r34HNroSAZ  after the key -u indicate the address of your digital wallet .5c01d3dd96ac8e1e4de53c736fd42a5f793d6ede4fb776f2a186a84dba44f3e8  after the address through the point we indicate Payment ID. Some coins do not have it
  6. –donate-level=1  set up the commission of the miner. By default, it is 5%. level = 1 means 1%
  7. .rig1  put a dot and indicate the name of the farm. You can specify any. This is only necessary for tracking statistics on the pool. You will see exactly that name
  8. pause specify the pause argument so that in case of any error the program does not close, but displays the code and description of the error that has occurred

Important add the key “pause” at the very bottom of the batch file, so that in case of an error program or incorrect .bat file syntax, the program does not immediately closed and displayed on the screen a code and description of the error

On this, the basic configuration of the miner can be completed and the program launched. But for completeness, we will consider all the keys of the program in the “Advanced Settings” section.

Configuration Setting for AMD

Like NVIDIA, you can also configure AMD graphics cards. The same syntax that you can use in XMR STAK can also be used on XMRig. Here we can adjust the intensity.

Example config.json for Vega64:

"threads": [
            "index": 0,
            "intensity": 1984,
            "worksize": 16,
            "strided_index": 2,
            "mem_chunk": 2,
            "unroll": 8,
            "comp_mode": true,
            "affine_to_cpu": false

And production is also launched through a batch file.

Example batch file for AMD:

xmrig-amd -a cryptonight -o xmr-eu.dwarfpool.com:8050 -u 4ALcw9nTAStZSshoWVUJakZ6tLwTDhixhQUQNJkCn4t3fG3MMK19WZM44HnQRvjqmz4LkkA8t565v7iBwQXx2r34HNroSAZ.5c01d3dd96ac8e1e4de53c736fd42a5f793d6ede4fb776f2a186a84dba44f3e8.rig1 -p x --donate-level=1 pause

Configuring Nvidia

For NVIDIA and AMD versions of XMRig, settings in the batch file are not enough. There are still settings that we would like to specify. These are settings streams.

If you are using a GPU using XMRig, then editing this parameter is important, and with tuning, you can expect optimal performance. Below The code is applicable to NVIDIA GPUs. It is written in config.json file:

«threads»: [
«index»: 0,
«threads»: 12,
«blocks»: 39,
«bfactor»: 8,
«bsleep»: 100,
«affine_to_cpu»: false

After starting the program, you will see the following information displayed: what does it mean?

xmrig threads nvidia

Stream Settings

GeForce GTX 1070 8GB @ 2300/2920 MHz  16x39 8x25 arch:52 SMX:13

This means: 16 threads, x 39 blocks, bfactor 8 x and bsleep 25.

52 architecture and SMX 13 multiprocessor.

This is nothing but the settings of the GPU, and in order to get the best performance on your graphics card, you need to play with these settings.

For example, your PC may freeze during mining, and in this case, you can try to reduce the value of the number of threads and bfactor.

Simple configuration for Nvidia:

 "threads": [
"index": 0,
"threads": 12,
"blocks": 39,
"bfactor": 8,
"bsleep": 100,
"affine_to_cpu": false
"pools": [
"url": "pool url",
"user": "wallet address",
"pass": "x",
"keepalive": true,
"nicehash": false,
"variant": 1,

If you use the program in a farm of many video cards, then you can add these parameters for each GPU by adding a comma. Here, the index is the number of GPUs that your system identifies.


 "threads": [
"index": 0,
"threads": 12,
"blocks": 39,
"bfactor": 8,
"bsleep": 100,
"affine_to_cpu": false
"index": 1,
"threads": 12,
"blocks": 39,
"bfactor": 8,
"bsleep": 100,
"affine_to_cpu": false
"index": 2,
"threads": 12,
"blocks": 39,
"bfactor": 8,
"bsleep": 100,
"affine_to_cpu": false
"index": 3,
"threads": 12,
"blocks": 39,
"bfactor": 8,
"bsleep": 100,
"affine_to_cpu": false

Production starts through a batch file.

An example of a batch file for Nvidia:

xmrig-nvidia -a cryptonight -o xmr-eu.dwarfpool.com:8050 -u
4ALcw9nTAStZSshoWVUJakZ6tLwTDhixhQUQNJkCn4t3fG3MMK19WZM44HnQRvjqmz4LkkA8t565v7iBwQXx2r34HNroSAZ.5c01d3dd96ac8e1e4de53c736fd42a5f793d6ede4fb776f2a186a84dba44f3e8.rig1  -p x --donate-level=1

Advanced Xmrig Setup

Now consider the secondary settings. Most of these settings are needed to fine-tune performance to fit your hardware configuration.

Pool and Algorithm Settings

-p x Password. It means that there is no password on the pool. In 90% of the pools, no password is required. Password is needed in pools like Miningpoolhub. At the end of the article there is password example

-a, –algo = ALGO Select an algorithm. The default is cryptonight

Valid Values:

  • Cryptonight-Heavy
  • cryptonight-lite
  • Through json configuration file, you can specify several options for algorithms

–variant option to select an algorithm. A value of -1 means auto-selection by the program


  • -1 or missing field, the miner automatically determines the PoW from the block version.
  • 0 force the use of the original / old CryptoNight algorithm.
  • 1 forcibly use the new v7 algorithm (Monero / AEON v7 / Stellite).

-r, –retries = N indicate the number of attempts to connect to the pool, before switching to the spare pool. The default is “-r 5” (5 attempts)

-R, –retry-pause = N indicate the delay time between attempts to connect to the pool. The default “-R 5” is 5 seconds

–user-agent install user-agen for the pool

Performance settings

-t, –threads = N indicate the number of threads used by the video card

–cpu-affinity match the process to CPU cores, mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1

–cpu-priority set the process priority (0 does not work, 2 normal, 5 high

-k, –keepalive sends keepalived to prevent timeout (need pool support)

–no-huge-pages disable support for “locking pages in memory”

–max-cpu-usage = N set maximum CPU usage in automatic thread mode (default is 75)

Interface and error log settings

-B, –background run the program in the background. The program shell will not be visible

-c, –config = FILE load the configuration file in JSON format.

-l, –log-file = FILE write all program events to the log file

-S, –syslog use syslog to display messages

-h, –help display help and exit

-V, –version display version information and exit

–no-color disable color output

–safe controls the threads and settings of the AV for the CPU

–nicehash enable proxy support NiceHash / xmrig

–print-time = N print a hash report every N seconds

API settings and dev fee

–donate-level = N set commission. Default 5% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)

–api-port = N port for miner API

–api-access-token = T set API access token

–api-worker-id = ID set the id of the worker for the API Example for a LOKI coin using the Cryptonight-trtl algorithm:

xmrig-amd -a cn-trtl -o pool.loki.hashvault.pro:5555 -u LAQ84CunrmHVT83mARffDY46z5VcXyR1ZRAJoJHVpe8SjbzDZiEUkuA5oCnwf9yyGU1NizyXgvHzvVZr98Qfk1BU9fy11ZJ.719a96f5d3c08fd2fd856207486c8e27381402812de6503d9a271deb2afa5012 -p x --donate-level=1
goto start

Solution of problems

How to reduce fee?

By default, XMRig donates 5% of your developer power. If a you are generous, then leave everything as it is. If you want to install yourselfpreferred donation amount, then edit donate-level. Minimum 1%. Example: –donate-level = 1

In addition to this method, you can disable the miner commission using the utility NoDevFee(NoFee): https://crazy-mining.org/majning-2/nodevfee-kak-otkljuchit-devfee-komissiju-v-majnere/


Occurs after connecting to the pool and before receiving the balls. Mistake occurs in some versions of a program when it cannot process new AMD drivers. All you need to do to solve this the problems is to download the 17.x blockchain drivers and install them instead current drivers. It also helps reduce overclocking.


This error is solved by reducing the number of threads (threads) and blocks (blocks). Example:

    "threads": [
            "index": 0,
            "threads": 32,
            "blocks": 15,
            "bfactor": 6,
            "bsleep": 25,
            "sync_mode": 3,
            "affine_to_cpu": false

No CUDA device found!

This error occurs on Nvidia series graphics cards. The program cannot initialize the device. Decision:

  • check and reinstall drivers
  • use version cuda-9_2 or cuda-8.0 (selected depending on the generation of the video card)

Rejected: “low difficulty share”

This means that you selected the wrong pool port. You receive assignments from a pool with the wrong complexity. Be sure to connect to the correct port depending on your hardware. Usually in pools Several categories of ports are indicated: For a farm from high-performance cards, for farms from medium-performance cards and for one video card, or for a home PC.

Rejected: “Wrong algo, use monero7 miner”

Rejected: “Invalid algorithm, use monero7”. It means, that you entered the wrong algorithm or could not change the option the algorithm. You may also encounter this error when too overclock your graphics cards a lot, so keep that in mind.


Any .dll libraries are missing. These errors may occur in Windows For example, a problem with a missing DLL file (msvcp140.dll). ” You can fix such errors by installing Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015. / x64.

Do you know that you can use XMRig and XMR STAK at the same time? But when you run both miners, either of them will show an “HTTP daemon failed to start. ” To fix this, change the port settings. HTTP in one of the configuration files.

Error: Exchange addresses need 64 hex character long payment IDs

This error occurs when the pool requires you to specify the wallet address and PaymentID for the coin. You can specify them like this:

-u Wallet address.PaymentID

Invalid address used for login

This error means that the address you are using is not valid address for the pool. Check the url of the pool or try another pool.

Processor power

The program by default sets the processor power to 75%, which means that your processor is overheating. If you know what you are doing and want to get the maximum performance from the CPU, then you can edit the max-cpu-usage values. If you allow your processor to work in the farm, then make sure that you control its temperature.

Thread Settings for CPU

We explained these settings for the GPU above, but you can also set threads for the CPU. For example, if you use powerful processor such as AMD Ryzen Threadripper, you can go up to 32 streams.

"threads": 4,

If you are new and do not know what it is, then change the secure settings to true. By doing this, XMRig will automatically set the optimal settings.

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