Jaxx Wallet – multicurrency crypto wallet BTC, ETH, ETC, ZEC, DASH, LTC, etc. [Overview, Installation, Download]
Jaxx – is a multi-currency crypto wallet with a very convenient and simple interface. The following coins can be stored on it: BTC, ETH, ETC, ZEC, DASH, LTC, etc., for a total of more than 80 different cryptocurrencies.
The wallet can be installed on Android, iPhone, Tablet, iPad, Windows, Mac, Linux and in the Google Chrome browser extension. Convenience is that the application can be installed both desktop (on a computer) and a mobile version, and accordingly there will be access from both a computer and a mobile device. Which in turn always allows you to control your crypto assets wherever you are, and this only requires an Internet connection.
Review, install, download.
Jaxx is a popular multi-currency wallet with a huge amount of coins, developed by Decentral, a well-known ATM manufacturer. At the moment, there is great debate about the use of this wallet. Someone likes it and they are pleased with the many features provided, others complain about the slow work and problems with exchanges and transferring funds. Apparently, it also takes some time to load the application. After testing, many users found that they needed to wait up to 15 seconds for the wallet to load on mobile devices and a few seconds on desktop computers. Typically, the wait time for gaining access tends to be slightly longer compared to other multi-currency wallets available on the market.
When using Jaxx, switching between currencies, sending and receiving money, entering addresses, scanning QR codes is easy and clear. However, as mentioned earlier, the variety of errors makes using it somewhat unpleasant.
The wallet is available on all possible platforms, which is undoubtedly a huge plus. The Jaxx team also announced that a hardware version of the wallet will be available in the future, which will make coin storage even more reliable, since hardware wallets are very reliable due to the limited execution environment.
Jaxx wallet offers multi-currency support, excellent security, excellent customer support and is also available for free! However, errors and bugs are possible, do not panic when freezing operations occur, but be patient and write in support of the company.
How to install a Jaxx wallet
Click on the “Download” button. After that, the download installation file. Run the installation file. A window appears. Press the Continue button. The user agreement window opens.
We accept the terms of the user agreement (click on the link “ACCEPT”).
Options are offered. CREATE NEW WALLET (Create a new wallet) or PAAR / RESTORE WALLET (Repair / Restore Wallet). Celebrate in radio button to install a new wallet and click on the bottom right CONTINUE (Continued). A window opens.

The installation method selection window opens.
It offers a choice of quick (EXPRESS) or advanced (CUSTOM) installation. Choose a quick installation (check the corresponding radio button). Advanced settings can also be made after a quick installation. Press “CONTINUE” (Continued).
We note what cryptocurrencies will be in our wallet. This list can always be changed in further settings. Click on the bottom right of TAKE ME TO MY WALLET (Open my wallet). The window comes off.
Installation completed. Further, I strongly recommend that you make a backup (see the “Backup” item below).
How to withdraw money with Jaxx

Open the application.
At the very top it is shown which coins are available for storage .. (The figure shows BTC (Bitcoin) and ETC (Ethereum). Depending on what currency we are working, click on the corresponding icon, for example, BTC.
After choosing a currency, the address of the corresponding currency is immediately formed. FOR EVERY CURRENCY ITS ITS ADDRESS !!!
Below on the left there is an input button (Receive). On the right is the output button (Send). Press the output button.
We get the Receiving Address field and the field for the amount of currency displayed.
Enter the receiving address and the number of coins in the corresponding fields and click the Send button.
How to recharge Jaxx
First of all, clearly understand what currencies you can work in this wallet. In the upper right corner, click on the settings icon (Three horizontal lines). And on the WALLETS tab, see what currencies you can work with. Here you can only accept and send Cryptocurrencies. No fiat money can be entered / withdrawn here. Therefore, to the question “how to recharge a jaxx wallet from a card”, the answer is NO! First, either buy a crypto (for example, on an exchange) or exchange a crypto with fiat money (for example at exchangers), and then start and withdraw cryptocurrency from this wallet.
Open the application. First, at the top, select the currency with which we will work, for example, ETH (Ethereum).
After choosing a currency, the address of this currency is immediately formed. FOR EVERY CURRENCY ITS ITS ADDRESS !!! (Eherium address is formed in the figure). Click on the receive button (Receive).
Enter the quantity in the Amount field and click the Generate button. And it’s easier to simply copy the address (see the copy icon next to it) and use it, for example, from which other wallet do you want to transfer currency to Jaxx, this is the address and use it for output in another wallet.
How to exchange currency
Open the application. First, at the top, choose which currency we will work with, for example, BTC. Then click on the central button. The translation window opens.
It can be seen that Bitcoin can be exchanged for other currencies (select from the list). For example, on ETH.
Above the address we see the exchange rate and exchange limits. Naturally, here is the course not quite profitable, because This is an internal exchanger and there is a service commission (best changed on the exchange).
In the Amount field (quantity), enter how many bitcoins we want to exchange for ethereum. And make an exchange.
How to connect additional wallets
For example, when installing the application, we did not activate all the ones we need wallets, and now there is a need for additional wallets. Open the application and in the upper right corner click on the menu icon.
A window of additional coins opens. We go to the WALLETS tab and tick off the currencies we need.
Jaxx setup
Open the application and in the upper right corner click on the menu icon (three horizontal sticks). Go to the MENU tab.

Select Settings. Click on the link Setuo Security PiN (Set PIN-sod). This PIN will block access to the passphrase, i.e. without a PIN code, you will not be able to see the passphrase and it will also be used in transactions (for any transaction, you will need to enter a PIN code. A window for setting a PIN code opens.

This must be done, because with his help. You can always restore wallet on any device. We open the application and in in the right corner, click on the menu icon (3 horizontal lines). On the MENU tab, select Tools.
Next, follow the link Backup Wallet (Backup). We are thrown to the next window.
Click on the link Weiw Wallet Phrase (Show Passphrase). A warning pops up.
It is reported here that the 12-passphrase will be shown as in QR code, and in the test version. It is warned that knowing this phrase ANYONE GETS FULL ACCESS TO THE WALLET.
We click on the link in the lower right corner of I UNDERSTAND (I understand).
Here is your passphrase code. Highly recommend:
- Copy the passphrase on paper.
- Take a QR code, name the file, for example, “Jaxx code phrase” and save the file in a safe place.
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