WildRig Multi 0.28.1: Скачать мульти майнер для AMD & NVIDIA

WildRig Multi v0.24.1: AMD GPU Miner c улучшенной производительностью KAWPOW

Wildrig Multi – это программа для майнинга криптовалют, поддерживающая большое количество алгоритмов, включая менее популярные алгоритмы майнинга. Работает с AMD, начиная с серии R200 и Nvidia. Комиссия майнера составляет 1%.

  • GitHub: https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/releases


– по умолчанию 1%
– lyra2TDC, megabtx, sha256csm, x17r, wildkeccak 2%
– minotaur 5%



– GCN 2nd gen: R7 260, R9 290, R9 295X2, R7 360, R9 390
– GCN 3rd gen: R9 285, R9 380, R9 Fury, R9 Nano
– GCN 4th gen: RX460, RX470, RX480, RX550, RX560, RX570, RX580, RX590
– GCN 5th gen: Vega 11, Vega 56, Vega 64, Radeon VII (но нужны некоторые изменения для лучшей производительности)
– RDNA 1st gen: Radeon 5500XT, Radeon 5600XT, Radeon 5700, Radeon 5700XT

Pitcairn, Tahiti и другие старые карты GCN 1-го поколения (такие как HD 78×0, HD 79×0, R7 265, R9 270, R9 280, R9 370 и т.д.) не поддерживаются и не будут поддерживаться, потому что они слишком старые и требуют дополнительной работы.


  • Все gpu с Compute Capabilities >=5.0 должны работать
  • также конкретный gpu может поддерживаться с помощью параметра –ptx-version (например, –ptx-version 71 для sm_86, больше версий ptx здесь: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/parallel-thread-execution/#release-notes


– aergo, anime
– bcd, bitcore, blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, bmw512
– c11
– dedal
– exosis
– geek, glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
– hex, hmq1725, honeycomb
– kawpow
– lyra2tdc, lyra2v2, lyra2v3, lyra2vc0ban
– megabtx, megamec, minotaur, mtp, mtp-tcr
– nist5
– phi, polytimos, progpowz, progpow-ethercore, progpow-sero, progpow-veil
– quark, quibit
– renesis
– sha256, sha256csm, sha256d, sha256q, sha256t, skein2, skunkhash, sonoa
– timetravel, tribus
– vprogpow
– wildkeccak
– x11, x11k, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x17, x17,r x18, x20r, x21i, x21s, x25x, x33, xevan

Как настроить Wildrig

Шаг 1 – Скачайте майнер

Скачайте Wildrig: https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/releases

Программное обеспечение для майнинга запускается через командную строку в Linux и через файл .bat в Windows. Ниже приведены примеры bat файлов для каждой криптовалюты, которую вы можете добывать с помощью Wildrig-Multi. 

Шаг 2 – Настройте батник для KawPow

Обязательно замените YOUR_ADDRESS на адрес своего кошелька. RIG_ID замените на собственное имя вашей фермы. Вы можете называть ферму как угодно, но имя должно содержать только латинские буквы и символы «-» и «_». Кошелек должен соответствовать криптовалюте, которую вы добываете.

Пример .bat-файла Wildrig для пула Beepool (Ravencoin):

wildrig.exe --print-full --algo kawpow --url stratum+tcp://rvn-pool.beepool.org:9531 --worker RIG_ID --user RKAeArXkWLNERjWo5YF3R1xFnYCwKf11sX --pass x

Шаг 3 – Запустите Wildrig

Сохраните данный батник и впоследствии щелкните start.bat, дабы запустить майнинг.

Пример конфигурации

  • Так будет выглядеть готовый батник Wildrig для Firo (Zcoin):
wildrig.exe --print-full --algo mtp --url stratum+tcp://xzc.2miners.com:8080 --worker RIG_ID --user aMLjCeLBmBGEJP6dYtWEMdZZuPH4w6uFsK --pass x
  • Так будет выглядеть батник WildRig для Ravencoin на пуле Beepool:
  • Вот батник для НайсХеш:
wildrig.exe --print-full --algo kawpow --url stratum+tcp://kawpow.eu-west.nicehash.com:3385 --worker RIG_ID --user 3LZhp4g3m7YWqR4hAPrZsKWbyo7hRBmqvy --pass x


Начиная с версии 0.15.2 параметры –opencl-threads и –opencl-launch устанавливаются автоматически, когда вы ставите auto. Если вы хотите попробовать разные значения, чтобы найти возможно лучшую производительность, вы можете начать со значений, показанных под каждой строкой инициализации GPU.
Например, строки ниже означают –opencl-threads 2 –opencl-launch 21×0. Где –opencl-launch состоит из Intensity x Worksize.

Code: (log)
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] GPU #1 [BusID: #4] [Ellesmere] Radeon RX 570 Series
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] threads: 2, intensity: 21, worksize: 0/256, cu: 32, memory: 4096Mb


  • некоторые алгоритмы могут работать быстрее на amd-гпу, если использовать параметр –opencl-threads, установленный на 2 или даже 3 (например, phi и skunkhash, но они могут быть нестабильны).
  • более высокая интенсивность не всегда больше хэшрейта, попробуйте как больше, так и меньше значения auto
  • попробуйте другой рабочий размер, например, 64 или 128 вместо часто используемого 0 (как и 256).


  • не все алгоритмы работают на графических процессорах NVIDIA, и не все из них оптимизированы (см. Release Notes)
  • сломан алгоритм honeycomb, последняя рабочая версия – 0.17.6
  • любые сообщения приветствуются!

ОТКАЗ ОТ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ (в основном для майнеров AMD):

Добыча почти всех этих алгоритмов, поддерживаемых WildRig Multi, – это не то же самое, что добыча криптовалют семейства Cryptonight или Ethereum. Эти алгоритмы более энергоемкие и интенсивные, особенно такие, как x16r. Поэтому, пожалуйста, убедитесь, что ваши блоки питания достаточно хороши, GPU стабильны и напряжение установлено хорошо. Низкое напряжение ядра в большинстве случаев не работает. Если есть нестабильность – начните со склада и найдите оптимальные настройки.

HiveOS: проверьте обновление для HiveOS, оно должно предоставлять последнюю версию.

Журнал изменений:

- updated progpow-veil for started testnet
- lowered devfee on megabtx and megamec to default 1%

- implemented progpow-veil for Veil(testnet)
- all --benchmark-* parameters will start benchmark, so no need to use additionally --benchmark
- one more fix for minotaur on nvidia
- should be fixed monitoring via nvml on newer nvidia drivers
- fixed issue with getting banned while mining veriblock on official node(this issue possible with other progpow pools too)
- tuned a bit minotaur for nvidia

- fixed crash of some algorithms on nvidia
- further fixes to minotaur on nvidia

- fixed incorrect work and high CPU load of x11k, minotaur and some other similar algorithms for nvidia
- fixed --watchdog for nvidia(now miner will close correctly)

- fixed RTX 3080/3090 support
- fixed --ptx-version parameter
- implemented x33

- fixed incorrect shares on progpow variants after devfee

- added parameter --protocol(ethproxy, ethstratum, stratum, stratum1, stratum2, ufo, ufo2)
- added parameter --no-dag-split
- removed x17r-protocol2(now just use x17r and --protocol ufo2)
- implemented dag split for huge DAG files on AMD drivers
- implemented vprogpow(new algo of VeriBlock)
- implemented x11k(kyancoin)

- implemented megabtx, megamec and minotaur algorithms
- added default --opencl-launch for p102, p104 and p106 gpu's(also fixed it for RTX series)
- support NVIDIA Ampere
- added parameter --ptx-version(to support all new gpu's without separate release)

- fixed crash after devfee for progpow variants
- fixed wrong logic for temp limits(broken since version 0.25.0)
- initial support for amd hardware monitoring via sysfs on Linux

- --opencl-platforms now can be set with values amd and nvidia
- adl/nvml now won't initialize if not needed
- fixed possible crash after donation mining on progpow variants
- improved lyra2 variants for nvidia

- initial support NVIDIA gpu's
- slightly improved speed of kawpow/progpow
- fixed low hashrate of --progpow-kernel 1 on Navi with drivers 20.x
- fixed incorrect shares for progpowz algorithm(--progpow-kernel 2) on Vega and Radeon VII gpu's
- fixed different protocol issues for progpow variants
- fixed possible incorrect nonce when switching from donation session to user session
- added parameter --opencl-platforms to specify on which platforms start mining
- added parameter --no-nvml to disable monitoring of NVIDIA hardware

- fixed broken non-progpow algorithms
- progpow-kernel now set to 2 for Vega
- tune up slightly progpow kernel 2

-added parameter --progpow-kernel(1 or 2 can give better hashrate on different drivers or gpu configuration)
-speedup ProgPow/KawPow up to 10% on pre-Navi gpu's

- faster kernel compilation for ProgPow/KawPow
- fixed start on Linux in some cases
- fixed sending stale shares to pool for ProgPow/KawPow

- improved speed on all ProgPow variants and KawPow
- --donate-level now set to 1% by default

- implemented progpow-sero
- support --benchmark for progpow algorithms and added --benchmark-epoch
- fixed crash when failover pool added

- initial support of kawpow

- implemented progpowz(fairpool.xyz doesn't work!) and progpow-ethercore algorithms

- added sha256csm
- fixed low difficulty shares on 666pool
- implemented x17r-protocol2 to support other pools(e.g. official mainnet-pool01.ufo.link)
- fixed rejects on x17r when Hvl is first in hashorder
- fixed default --diff-factor for x17r

- one more fix to --split-job logic
- added x17r algorithm for ufo-project
- fixed mtp variants on RX gpu's

- fixed regression of lyra2 variants on Navi

- enabled all algorithms for Navi
- fixed lyra2 kernels for Navi
- fixed logic of --split-job parameter(important fix for mtp-tcr)

- added lyra2tdc
- decreased memory usage for hex(should be possible to increase intensity on some cards and get better hashrate)
- fixed client.reconnect
- fixed crashes in some cases if use --opencl-threads 1

- up to 5% hashrate speedup for mtp/mtp-tcr on Navi gpu's
- fixed x22i incorrect shares
- unlocked 1% dev-fee for mtp-tcr
- increased a bit hashrate for mtp and mtp-tcr on RX and Vega cards
- added parameter --split-job(should be useful for mtp-tcr)
- implemented mtp and mtp-tcr algorithms(Radeon 5700/5700XT support it too)
- new parameter --opencl-less-cpu-load

- fixed x16rv2

- added Radeon 5700/5700XT support for limited list of algorithms
- added support for Vega 11(gfx902)
- implemented x16rv2

- added glt-globalhash algorithm
- implemented --gpu-temp-limit and --gpu-temp-resume parameters
- now additionally to hashrate miner will show GPU temperature, fan speed and uptime
- added parameter --print-power(which will show power consumption per GPU Chip)
- added parameter --benchmark-timeout*

- fixed blake2b family for Linux
- wildkeccak around %1 speed increase
- added --print-devices parameter

- improved blake2b(lower power consumption on pre-Vega gpu's and higher hashrate on Vega gpu's)

- donation for honeycomb now can be reduced to 1%
- slightly improved different algorithms for Vega cards(e.g. honeycomb up to 3%)

- up to 5%-6% faster blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt
- added skein2(WoodCoin)

- added blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt algorithms
- fixed gfx907(some Radeon VII gpu's) support

- added just for fun anime algo
- possible fix to crash on Linux
- improved honeycomb up to 3%

- up to 20% faster x25x

- fixed support x25x on Linux
- fixed handling rejects for some pools(e.g. coinfoundry)

- fixed x22i and x25x for Radeon VII
- fixed Tonga support
- re-tuned auto parameters for Baffin's, gfx804 and Hawaii gpu's

- added x25x
- re-tuned auto-parameters to maximize hashrate with new optimizations for x16-family and other complex algorithms(right now only for Tonga, Fiji, RX470/570/RX480/RX580 and Vega cards)

- should be better stability for wildkeccak using --scratchpad-safe-update on some systems
- improved x16-like(Shavite at start), honeycomb and skunkhash

- improved honeycomb
- fixed hex, hmq1725 and some other algorithms hashrate regression
- fixed parameters --scratchpad-safe-update, --scratchpad-full-update, --no-extranonce(they was random if not specified)
- fixed communication with some pools

- continue improve some hashorders for x16 family(JH512 in middle, SIMD at start)
- special improvement for Vega on almost all algorithms(bcd, x16-fmaily, hex, x22i, etc.)
- added parameter --no-extranonce
- added parameter --scratchpad-full-update

- fixed xevan on Vega
- another improve to x16-like algorithms for specific hashorder(SIMD at start)

- added algorithm xevan
- improved speed a bit for some hashorders in x16-like algorithms(CubeHash and Echo at start)
- added parameter --scratchpad-safe-update for wildkeccak algorithm

- added wildkeccak algorithm
- added honeycomb algorithm(since 0.15.6 preview - boost up to 5%)
- improved speed on some hashorders for x16-like algorithms
- interface changes, now real difficulty of shares shown and so on
- tuned auto-parameters for Vega
- fixed Tonga and Bonaire support
- tuned auto parameters for RX550 and for some algorithms for other gpu's
- added support for Lexa RX550(gfx804)
- increased a bit speed of lyra2v3
- added bmw512
- added --diff-factor parameter
- removed diff from accepted message
- fixed support for Fiji and Tonga
- fixed broken Ctrl+C command
- fixed skunkhash

- tweaked lyra2v3 a bit
- fixed x16rt to support GIN coin
- temporary removed mtp algo(will be improved in next releases)
- implemented auto parameter for --opencl-threads and --opencl-launch(will work only for RX460/RX560, RX470/RX570, RX480/RX580 and Vega 56/64)
- now Ctrl+C(closing the miner) works more correctly

- added support for lyra2v3, lyra2vc0ban, glt-astralhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash and glt-pawelhash
- correct shutdown of miner

- added algo x21s, dedal
- correct checking rejects from pools like suprnova
- improved speed of hex, hmq1725, x16r, x16s, x22i

- improved hashrate for hex, hmq1725, sonoa, x16r, x16s, x17, x18 and x22i
- extended accepted/rejected message with number of GPU that solved the share

- added aergo algo
- fixed stability of hashrate

- added x18 algo
- improved speed for x16, x17, hex and other algo's

- increased hashrate for x22i up to 10%
- fixed hashrate drops for x22i
- slight boost for x16r, x16s and x17 algo
- fixed rejects in some cases for x16r, x16s, hex and some timetravel algo's

- speedup for all algo's, up to 10%

- fixed low hashrate on Vega cards
- more improvements to x22i
- now higher intensity can be set

- significant increase of hashrate for x22i algo
- fixed support gfx901
- one more fix for NiceHash support

- fixed random crash after "new job", introduced in 0.12.4
- fixed NiceHash support
- fixed extra nonce subscription
- officially added algorithms x22i, exosis and skunkhash
- fixed hashrate printing per gpu

- added bitcore(timetravel10) algo
- improved hashrate for x16r/x16s/hex algo's when fugue, whirlpool, or skein is first in hashorder
- slight hashrate increase for all algo's where fugue used(e.g. bcd, renesis, a bit higher increase for sonoa and hmq1725)
- implemented colorized hashorder printing for some algo's
- implemented --benchmark parameter
- reworked --opencl-threads, now will work with --opencl-devices correctly
- fixed custom algo support in HiveOS

- slight speedup for bcd
- fixed API for showing correct hashrate when use --opencl-threads
- stripped kernels

- speedup x16r/x16s in some cases on final step
- fixed regress for simd, so should speedup x16r/x16s and return speed for other algos(bcd, sonoa, etc.)
- added hex algo
- now intensity can be set using sgminer-like numbers(old one supported too)
- improved API a bit, now threads contains hashrate per GPU, not per thread, so it should be correct now for HiveOS/etc.
- fixed GPU numbering at start when --opencl-threads used

- regen job now per GPU, should increase poolside hashrate
- added x16r, x16s and timetravel algorithms
- 30% boost for hmq1725
- grouped print of hashrate per GPU when use --opencl-threads parameter
- H/s unit in API instead of kH/s

- slight hashrate improvement
- added x17 algo
- improved pool communication code
- backup pools support(just use --url, --user and --pass as many times as you need)

- fixed regen job(it was working only once per "new job" message)
- optimized phi and renesis a bit
- some changes to kernels for more safe and correct calculations

- some small improvements to renesis, c11, phi, bcd, tribus
- implemented job regen using extra nonce, should be no more "waiting for a new job more than"(pool should support extra nonce subscription, some of GeekCash pools don't support it)
- one more fix to "Duplicate share" problem

- implemented subscribe for extra nonce
- final fix for "Duplicate share"
- implemented support few solved shares per iteration for one GPU

- some minor improvements to hashrate of different algo's
- added c11 and tribus

- critical: fixed sonoa hashing
- fixed sending stale shares
- fixed possible "Duplicate share"
- added phi algo

- fixed support not yiimp-based pools
- significant boost for all algo's
- added geek algo

- fixed rejects after donation mining
- critical: fixed possible stuck at donation mining if miner can't login

- added bcd algo
- improved speed for hmq1725
- a bit more correct share validation for sonoa and renesis
- fixed hmq1725 algo

- added sonoa algo
- implemented --opencl-threads parameter

- added hmq1725 algo
- improved speed for renesis algo
- added gfx900 kernels

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