Tag: Binance

Binance – One of the largest international online digital currency exchange services. Dozens of cryptocurrencies are exchanged both among themselves and with fiat money.

Binance crypto exchange will stop support of USDC, PaxDollar, TrueUSD

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance will end support for USDC stabelcoin and forcibly convert it to its own Binance_USD (#BUSD). On September 29, Binance will forcibly convert user assets from USD Coin to Binance USD. The same will happen with two smaller stabelcoins, PaxDollar and TrueUSD, which are also forcibly converted to the exchange’s Coin. This not only promises inconvenience to users, but major problems for Circle Internet Financial, which is the issuer of USDC and was planning to go for an IPO. After such actions, Binance may take the leading place in the market of stabelcoins and make its subordinate Binance USD the largest in terms of capitalization.

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How to withdraw cryptocurrency: ways to withdraw BTC, ETH, XMR, RVN and other altcoins in fiat

BTC, ETH, XMR, RVN, and other altcoins get to your cryptocurrency wallet obtained by mining or buying on the exchange. You can store them until better times, expecting that in the near future the exchange rate will rise even more, and you will be able to sell your crypto-assets at a good price. Now it […]

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Binance cryptocurrency exchange domains undergo DDoS attack

Binance cryptocurrency exchange domains undergo DDoS attack

The Chinese domains of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange underwent a “targeted DDoS attack” this Wednesday. “Users could experience delays and interruptions in network access,” wrote Changpen Zhao, CEO of Binance. – Judging by the attack scheme, our self-named competitors are behind it. No need to worry. The system is in order, the assets are safe. […]

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Криптобиржи Binance US, FTX и OKCoin предлагают самые низкие торговые комиссии на спотовом рынке

Binance US, FTX and OKCoin cryptocurrency exchanges offer the lowest trading commissions in the spot market

According to a new study by The Block analyst Larry Chermak, Binance US, FTX, OKCoin, bitFlyer Japan and Poloniex are by far the cheapest spot cryptocurrency exchanges. Chermak analyzed trading commissions on the top 20 cryptocurrency exchanges and concluded that FTX is the cheapest exchange for retail traders, while Binance US and OKCoin are the […]

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Binance users complained about delays in the work of the exchange

Binance users complained about delays in the work of the exchange

Binance cryptocurrency exchange is experiencing performance problems this Thursday amid increased traffic. Several Twitter users complained that they had difficulty trying to buy and sell assets or cancel existing orders on the exchange. CEO Binance Changpen Zhao commented on these observations, noting “a slight delay in the display of order books for some trading pairs.” […]

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