Two Canadians pleaded guilty to a $ 140,000 Bitcoin investor fraud under the guise of a HitBTC exchange

Two Canadians pleaded guilty to a $ 140,000 Bitcoin investor fraud under the guise of a HitBTC exchange

Two Canadians who have appropriated $ 140,000 from a Bitcoin investor under the guise of HitBTC crypto exchange can be detained for up to two years.

According to the December 16 trial, the brothers Jagroup Singh Hatkar and Karandjit Singh Hatkar pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit Twitter fraud in July 2018.

By introducing themselves as HitBTC support, they convinced a 63-year-old Oregon resident to disclose the email address associated with her exchange account. Then they hacked into this account and withdrew 23 BTC from it.

The court found that the brothers “illegally, knowingly and intentionally transferred, seized and used, without legal permission, the means of identification of another person, knowing that they belong to a real person.”

Karandjit was arrested in July, and Jagroup surrendered to authorities on Monday. The victim will receive the full amount back – the brothers transferred it by check to the assistant prosecutor. “I feel sorry for them. I have the most 27-year-old son. I hope they can apply their mind to something more useful, ”she said.

Earlier, fraudsters disguised as tax officials collected non-existent debts in bitcoins from residents of Australia.

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