Selection of latest news for past day

A selection of the latest cryptocurrency world news for the past day from Cardano (Shelley). Libra (Facebook). Binance (BUSD). Tether. Wells Fargo.

News of the cryptocurrency world over the past day from

  • Cardano developers continue to work towards a smooth transition to the Shelley phase.
  • German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said. That the government cannot allow the adoption of parallel currencies like Libra from Facebook. And he added that Berlin would reject any such plans.
  • Binance revealed the details of listing previously announced stablecoin Binance USD (BUSD).
  • Tether destroyed $ 400 million USDT on OMNI blockchain.
  • Wells Fargo plans to launch its own digital currency called “Wells Fargo Digital Cash”. And they are also going to develop a separate blockchain platform for it.

More news and details at

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